Our Pastor

  • REV. emily r. mccachren

    Emily was born and raised in Morristown, NJ.  Baptized and confirmed in the PC(USA), Emily will tell you that her faith began to form around the family dinner table where prayers were said and thanks was given.  From an eary age, Emily knew who God was and sought every opportunity tp praise, study, and question God.  Throughout her youth, Emily was hyper involved at her church - joining committees, bell and vocal choirs, mission trips, and anything else they offered.  The beauty of Christianity became ever clearer for Emily, realizing that as she grew closer to God, so too she grew closer to herself and others.  It became impossible to ignore the subtle and overt calls to ministry even within her youth........READ MORE


Church Officers

  • Session

    Class of 2019

    Al Clark

    Ken Keebaugh

    Class of 2020

    Carolyn Kerlin

    LeeAnne Kendall

    Wes Howells

    Class of 2021

    Donna Ankney

    Tim Drover

  • deacons

    Class of 2019

    April Leese

    Patty Rhodes

    Class of 2020

    Nancy Bivens

    Laura Metcalfe

    Linda Heuston

    Class of 2021

    Barbara MacDonald

    Joyce Hornberger

  • trustees

    Class of 2019

    Richard Hornberger

    Faye Elvey

    Class of 2020

    Gary Ankney

    Sandy Richards

    Connie Brown

    Class of 2021

    David Bivens

    Ron Mitchell

Church Staff

Ministers.................................................................................All the Congregation

Organist...............................................................................................Carolyn Kerlin

Chancel Choir Director......................................................................Richard Rotz

Assistant Chancel Choir Director.............................................Donna Ankney

Church Secretary...............................................................................Susan Larson

Treasurer....................................................................................Wayne MacDonald

Financial Secretary........................................................................John Johnston

Assistant Financial Secretary......................................................Harvey Kneas

Sunday School Superintendent..................................................Noreen Mann

Moderator, Presbyterian Women..............................................Carolyn Kneas

Church Librarian............................................................................Audrey Mitchell

Nursery Attendant...........................................................................Connie Brown

Custodian......................................................................................Kathy Heinbaugh